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Sex and Health in Daily Life

1. The "Exercise Volume" of Sex Life

Some time ago, I saw a physiotherapy ring that can display the number and strength of sexual intimacy. I think it is necessary to understand this adult product that can record the amount of sexual activity. In sexual life, healthy people generally do not care about the amount of sexual exercise, because that consumption is negligible. However, people with weak constitutions or diseases would like to know how much energy can be consumed in sexual life, and whether it will consume energy and qi, which will have a great impact on the body. In fact, there is no international standard for the amount of "exercise" and energy consumption related to sexual life. Generally, it is based on the state that you can bear. Some data say that in 10 minutes of sexual intimacy, sexual partners consume 3 kilowatts of energy. Some say, "a drop of seminal fluid is equal to 60 drops of blood". There are various opinions and there seems to be no basis. Seminal fluid is manufactured and secreted by the human body, and only 4-6 ml is ejected during a sexual intercourse. It has no effect on the human body. In terms of content, every 100 ml of seminal liquid also contains only 1.28 grams of amino acids and 0.1-0.5 grams of fructose. The energy substances contained in one injection of J liquid can be seen to be negligible.

How much exercise volume is there in one sexual life? Scientists have done experiments. During sexual intimacy, the average maximum heart rate is 117 beats per minute, which is also the time when the pulse rate is the highest. From this point of view, the heart rate level of a sexual activity of about 16 minutes is different from that of walking and climbing stairs. Heart rate is comparable. For those who are weak or sick, as long as the heart rate does not exceed 130 beats per minute, they can have a normal sexual life. According to the sex life of 2 times a week, the amount of exercise has no special effect on the heart. It can be seen that a reasonable sex life will not cause harm to the heart, but it is still a kind of exercise. As for the energy consumption, it is equivalent to ordinary sports, and it can also lose weight.

2. Taboos of sex life

Avoid having sex with illness
People with serious STDs, heart disease, or infectious diseases should avoid sex. If you have sex with an illness, you will not only suffer from yourself, but may also infect your sexual partners.

Avoid having sex without eliminating fatigue
Sexual life needs to consume a certain amount of physical strength, mentally exhausted, and desire decreases. The body is very tired and the quality of exercise is not high. These are often unsatisfactory to achieve pleasure in sexual life, will bring a shadow to the future sexual life, but also detrimental to health.

Avoid having sex when you are in a bad mood
Reluctance to have sex when in a bad mood, such as after a quarrel, loss of things, sadness, although sex is the comfort of the other party, but the libido and pleasure will be greatly reduced, the concentration will decrease, and sometimes there will be disgust, leading to male disorders, Feminine frigidity.

Avoid having sex after drinking alcohol
After drinking less alcohol, it will increase courage and enhance desire, but don't have sex if you drink too much. At this time, the erection of male organs is not strong or durable, and it is easy to ejaculate prematurely, which affects the quality. Another example, drinking women's conception will also endanger the fetus.

Avoid ignorance of genital hygiene
Sexual organs are unsanitary, and the private parts of men and women may carry bacteria. Without washing, it produces odors that are not only a health threat, but also affect sexually intimate postures such as biting.

Don't be in a hurry
Some men do not understand the physiological characteristics of women, and they are eager for sexual intimacy when they are not ready, or they rush out because of the rush of time, and withdraw their troops hastily. These practices are very selfish. When women do not have sexual desire or excitement, they will not reach the trend. Over time, women will not be interested in sexual life, nor feel pleasure, thinking that they are only satisfying each other, not having sex. get love. Your own physical discomfort may also bring pain, and these pains will gradually form disgust, until sexual frigidity.

Avoid having sex when you are full or hungry
Physiologically, the stomach and intestines are full after eating, and the blood supply to the brain and other organs is insufficient. At this time , you are eager to have sex , your desire is reduced, and you cannot use various postures flexibly, so your sex life will be limited. In the same way, if you are hungry, your physical strength decreases, your energy is not sufficient, you will not be able to concentrate, your desire will not be strong, and your sex life will not be able to achieve satisfactory pleasure.

Avoid being overly nervous or shy
Some partners feel overly nervous when they are intimate for the first time; in shared dormitories; in special environments such as carriages and theaters, when they are not suitable for sexual life, they also have a strong psychological sense of shyness. Men are under a lot of stress and tension, and are prone to premature ejaculation. If there is another sudden knock on the door, inspection, etc. will be interrupted immediately, it will also cause functional impotence. The woman will also have vaginismus and even frigidity.



Name: Ken Hu




Add:Songshan Lake District,Dongguan,China

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