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Monkeys in Bali Make Sex Toys out of Stones

There are about 2,000 long-tailed macaques living in the sacred monkey forest in Bali. All kinds of fruits are everywhere throughout the year, and because there are no natural enemies, it is a paradise for monkeys.

As the saying goes like: satiety, warmth is followed by lust. In recent years, tourists often found that macaques rubbed their private parts with stones of specific shapes, so some biologists put forward the hypothesis that "they are using sex toys". Some netizens also ridiculed: The monkeys have entered the Stone Age.

About 10,000 tourists pass through the Monkey Forest Reserve every day to Bali's influencer temples. Visitors usually feed the monkeys as they walk, and park keepers regularly provide three meals of fruits and vegetables to the monkeys.

In this little Garden of Eden, the monkeys are full and carefree, so there is plenty of time for self-indulgence play.

Biologists believe these Balinese macaques are using stones for self-directed, tool-assisted self-soothing. This phenomenon is found in species such as chimpanzees, porcupines, dolphins, and of course us humans.

Careful biologists have found that the male monkeys' ambiguous movements lead to swelling in the private parts, but rarely actual ejaculation, making it difficult to determine how much fun the monkeys actually get from the game.

Through observation, it was also found that female macaques are very picky about the choice of stone shape, such as preferring rocks with grain-like raised textures, and definitely not stones with sharp edges.

The biologists concluded: "These behaviors are not accidental. Our data provide some support for the 'sex toy' hypothesis, suggesting that hitting and rubbing the genital and groin area with a stone is a sexually motivated behavior."

From 2016 to this year, biologists in the study captured video clips of hundreds of macaques in the Sacred Monkey Forest using tools such as stones to assist themselves with self-soothing. The protagonists of these videos are mostly male monkeys, with fewer female monkeys.

Evolutionary ecologist Camilla Cenni told the media: "The monkeys in Bali are very leisurely and that's the main reason."

Bali's long-tailed macaques are not the first to be photographed using "sex toys" animals. There was a video of a chimpanzee using a plastic bottle as a sex toy, and a Japanese macaque jumped on the back of a deer and dashed hard. A male dolphin was caught entertaining himself with a fish, which also made headlines at the time.



Name: Ken Hu




Add:Songshan Lake District,Dongguan,China

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