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Staggering Number of People Who see Sex Dolls as Ideal Partners

Sex research magazine report shows that staggering number of people who see sex dolls as ideal partners.

According to a research report published in the international "The Journal of Sex Research" in August 2022, the number of the crowd possessing"(female) sex dolls" (life-sized sex dolls with real human features) worldwide is staggering, who see sex dolls as ideal romantic partners. The study also showed that they were more likely to have an alienating attitude towards women in real life.

The author,Jeanne C.Desbuleux,explains "We have been following the media and academic criticism and debate of the use of highly realistic sex dolls,but such debates are not supported by much relevant research data.”

“In some countries and regions, morally oriented controversies have led to laws banning live sex dolls. Because from traditional cultures and religions, people tend to stigmatize irregular sex, and listen to such niche groups. The voice of the heart is important, so we conducted this study."

The data of these new studies came from 217 sex doll users. The average age of the respondents was about 43 years old, and the age ranged from 18 to 77 years old. The majority of respondents (91.7%) identified as male, 2.3% identified as female, 2.3% identified as non-binary, 2.09% identified as other, and the majority (67.7%) identified as heterosexuality.

Respondents completed a long, detailed questionnaire collecting sociodemographic information and data on how sex dolls were used, doll personification, objectification of real-life women, real-life kindness and hostility toward women. The questionnaire also included an open-ended question: "How has your perception of women changed after using sex dolls?"

About half of the respondents said: "Sex dolls are ideal companions and have real and deep feelings for dolls". Or at least sex dolls act as makeshift substitutes for real partners.

The other half of respondents said they only use dolls as sex toys.

A large proportion of the respondents were divorced or single men, who preferred sex dolls that were inanimate, unable to speak or move.

In the questionnaire, many respondents expressed that they may objectify women or feel alienated, such as "the first thing I notice when I contact a woman is her body", "Most of women  fall in love with men with other purposes or hurt them", which may be responsible for the emotional attachment to sex dolls. Real human partners are more likely to be single or divorced if their bodies are perceived to be less sexually attractive.

Previous research reports have expressed similar views. When men's relationships in real life are affected, they may choose to buy sex dolls as compensation. An article in The Sun once described how some men were emotionally dependent on sex dolls and thought: "Much better than women". "The doll doesn't ask you to say or do anything, I can explore my love fantasies at will," the report quoted a sex doll user as saying.

"I'm surprised that so many people have real affection for sex dolls. Some respondents have improved their mental health since using the dolls, and have developed an emotional attachment to the dolls while being less erotically attractive to real humans." Debrex told reporters.

The majority of respondents (about 70%) reported that the use of sex dolls did not change their perception of women. One male interviewee explained: "I respect women and I don't think sex dolls are any different from other male toys."

About 6% of respondents had positive changes, and only 2.3% had negative changes.

But nearly 10 percent said they were less and less interested in real-life women.

"The data shows that sex dolls can help meet more sexual and emotional needs of users," Desbuleux said. "Because of the rapid development of technology, many countries have begun to produce smart sex dolls, and the number of users who have sex and emotional relationships with dolls is increasing. "

"While our data show an association between sex doll anthropomorphism and changes in users' perceptions of real women, it is uncertain whether this can be explained causally, and sex dolls may just be a social phenomenon of psychoemotional transfer. "

"We need more longitudinal studies to demonstrate a causal relationship," Debrex noted.

"However, we have the support of the sex doll online community. We are very grateful for their free and active participation in sexology research," Debrex added.

The research paper, published in the Journal of Sexual Research, is titled "Is Personification of Sex Dolls Linked to Hostility towards Women? A Mixed Methods Study of Sex Doll Users," by Jeanne C. Desbuleux and Co-written by Johannes Fuss.



Name: Ken Hu




Add:Songshan Lake District,Dongguan,China

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